Hope trumps doubt everytime

Hope trumps doubt everytime

Live Brightly

Live Brightly

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dr. Suess makes me smile

I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. 

Some come from ahead, others come from behind. 

But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see. 

Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me. 

– Dr. Seuss

Press On Press Forward through the Pain

If this isn't' as simple as it comes.  Why is life so painful sometimes?  Because the purpose is so much greater than you could ever imagine.  Moral of the Story: Painful experiences only let you know your on the right path.

Nothing really great will come easy, if it is special, if it is wonderful, if it is Right........ you should always expect opposition.

What if the greatness of something is measured by the pain you endured to acheive it?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Magic and Miracles

What a great quote for today.  What started out to be a very sad day was turned around quickly when I read this quote.

Moral of the Story: It is possible to keep your heart guarded and keep your eyes open at the same time. You must keep your eyes open, Don't miss your miracle!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Intentional Happiness equals unintentional smiles

Yesterday I allowed myself to say all the good things I was thinking. It was a great day just because I allowed myself to be me......My Happy, Bright Self!

Moral of the Story, Be intentionally happy.  Smile at those who probably won't smile back, give compliments to people even though you know they probably won't be received.

Intentional Happiness just might end up in you unintentionally brightening your day and others as well.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Good Books

Listening to a motivational talk this morning on the way to work I was reminded that everyone in the world, including myself is trying to make themselves more knowledgeable about things in the world.  Which isn't a bad thing.  I am currently in school trying to make myself smarter and obtain a degree so I can better care for me and my son.

However, I do not think I ever really knew how to love.  I guess I believed it was just something you suddenly felt for someone.  Like I had no control over who I loved.  I believe I needed my little boy in my life to really show me what real love is.  Unconditional love.  It doesn't matter what you look like, what annoying habits you might have or even how much of yourself you are willing to give to someone else.  True Love, unconditional love will give you Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness and Goodness no matter what.

Moral of the Story: Practice loving people on purpose. Being kind doesn't mean being weak, it means you know what the true meaning of unconditional love is.  It actually means your smart.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Promise to keep your Promise

The word Promise has never had such little meaning to me as it does right now in my life.  I heard that word "promise" so often in my past and I believed it completely.  Only to find out that the one doing the promising didn't "promise to promise".  It had gotten so bad that when I heard the word "promise" I would laugh and whisper under my breath, "no such thing". 
However, recently I realized that even though others could promise something and then so easily break that promise.  That didn't need to affect me and my life with my son in a negative way.  
Infact, the way I see it, I should be trying harder to make sure I  keep my promises to myself and to others.
I should promise to myself and to my son, to keep my promises. 

So I do:
I promise to keep my promise.

Moral of the Story: 
Promise yourself to keep your Promises to yourself 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Trust your instincts

This has been one of the most entertaining quotes I have applied to my life in a very long time.  Due to my past circumstances I have found it extremely difficult to trust anyone regarding anything anymore.  I find myself waiting for the ball to drop with almost everyone in my life.  When I read this quote I really started paying attention to the way people looked at me for the first five seconds, whether I have known the person for years or just met them.  It really is amazing how much someone gives away in those first precious moments.

Moral of the Story: If you are like me, hesitant to trust anyone.  Start all your conversations by following this simple rule.  You will be amazed with what you see when you really start looking.  If anything else, it will provide you with some entertainment where awkwardness would be instead.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Decisions, Emotions and living in the now

I have been in the middle of this decision making process it seems like forever now.  Infact, the other day I was wishing an Angel would put up a sign that says "Wrong Way" Do Not Enter" on the path I am not supposed to take.  Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.  One thing I do know is that if I make the decisions for the right reasons, I am making the right decision.  So many people make decisions only thinking about the "Now".  Moral of the Story: Picture your life 10 years down the road and make your decisions based on that. Then sit and think about it.  If you have peace, you have your decision.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Move forward slowly, listen intently and make decisions decisively

This is the beginning of the 4th Watch in our adventure.  I am reminding myself constantly of two things.
1. Listen compassionately and intently
2. Never make a decision based on fear.

If I move slowly, compassionately listen to what is being said I will be able to determine the difference between truth and deception.  In order to make the right decisions I need to be able to think clearly.  Moving in haste, making decisions quickly without thinking them through and determining the sincerity of another persons words will only lead to disappointment.

Moral of the Story: Move as slow as you need to, but keep moving forward.