Hope trumps doubt everytime

Hope trumps doubt everytime

Live Brightly

Live Brightly

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Promise to keep your Promise

The word Promise has never had such little meaning to me as it does right now in my life.  I heard that word "promise" so often in my past and I believed it completely.  Only to find out that the one doing the promising didn't "promise to promise".  It had gotten so bad that when I heard the word "promise" I would laugh and whisper under my breath, "no such thing". 
However, recently I realized that even though others could promise something and then so easily break that promise.  That didn't need to affect me and my life with my son in a negative way.  
Infact, the way I see it, I should be trying harder to make sure I  keep my promises to myself and to others.
I should promise to myself and to my son, to keep my promises. 

So I do:
I promise to keep my promise.

Moral of the Story: 
Promise yourself to keep your Promises to yourself 

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