Hope trumps doubt everytime

Hope trumps doubt everytime

Live Brightly

Live Brightly

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Struggle of Change

Today I am finding myself wondering why some days seem more difficult instead of easier.  Don't they always say "Time heals all things?"  In a way time does heal things, but it doesn't change things.  Only I can be the one who makes the change.

I think I found my answer.  Somedays seem harder because they are, because I am constantly learning and growing, everyday becoming an even better woman, a better mother, a better person.  I am changing my character.  Anyone who says they have changed, but doesn't go through the struggle of change, has not changed at all.  They are merely hiding their behavior.

The problem with that is, in time, things that are hidden, are always found.

As I allow myself to learn, grow and become stronger,  I am changing my character and that is a tough storm to make it through.  But I do know that the person I entered the storm as, is an entirely different person that is going through it now and I will be still an entirely different person when I emerge out.

That is what the storm is all about.

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