Hope trumps doubt everytime

Hope trumps doubt everytime

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Live Brightly

Friday, January 17, 2014

Quit Worrying, Plan instead and then go to sleep

I use to say "I can't help it, I am a worrier, that is what I do"  But I have realized that worrying is such a complete waste of time.  I hear many people say  that I  worry about things that will probably never happen.  I wish that was my life, but my circumstances are becoming very predictable and guessing what is going to happen is becoming easier.  So instead of worrying about a problem that is most likely coming, I have decided to start creating a Plan A and a Plan B.  That way I am two steps ahead of the game.  If the situation never happens then I know how to proceed and if the situation does happen, I am calm and know exactly the best way to handle it.  So I guess some would say, well...your still worrying, I don't think so.  I am preparing. Moral of the Story: If something is really scary, or if you really feel like a situation is imminent, then create a Plan A (if it doesn't happen) and a Plan B (if it does happen) and then go to sleep knowing either way, Your prepared.

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