Someone actually told me my life was boring. Seriously? Boring? I have a 10 month old, my life is anything but boring! We crawl chasing each other, build towers with blocks just to tear them down, watch Disney Junior, have slumber parties, go swimming, have major splash bath time, have accidental, "well ok" On Purpose Food Fights. We love it when it rains cause we can go outside and splash in puddles! My life, boring....No way!!!
So no, I would not rather spend time out with a bunch of non silly adults, spending money they don't have, dressing up to impress people that they really don't care about . The good memories that I do have from my past are of movie slumber party nights, not anything else.
I have come to the conclusion, it is not only OK to be alone, right now it is HEALTHY for me to be alone. I am finally getting back to my happy silly self. I changed so much trying to fit in with a crowd that I didn't belong with in the first place. Happy to be silly, Happy to be me. Happy to be Single.
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